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Folk2Folk (UK)  

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Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 17693

BeitragVerfasst am: 30.03.2021, 12:39    Titel: Folk2Folk (UK) Antworten mit Zitat


FOLK2FOLK on course to surpass £1M profit target

30 March 2021: FOLK2FOLK, the national Marketplace lender for SMEs in regional Britain, has announced it expects to turn a seven-figure profit for its 2020 financial year, surpassing the company’s pre-pandemic profit target for 2020.

The anticipated profit of around £1M is a significant increase from FOLK2FOLK’s pre-tax profit of £198k for the previous year, and marks two consecutive years of profit for the company.

This latest announcement builds on a strong start to the year for FOLK2FOLK, who have announced new additions to its Broker team, a lending milestone of £400M and strong uptake of its Innovative Finance ISA (IFISA). This month, the company celebrates its biggest month to date, during which it facilitated £15M of borrowing and investing.

Roy Warren, FOLK2FOLK Managing Director, said: “Platform profitability is of increasing importance to all stakeholders, with investors in particular seeking stable investment vehicles and returns.

“Despite the headwinds presented by COVID-19, we have gone beyond our 2020 profit target which was set well before the outbreak of the pandemic, making it an even more meaningful achievement for us.

“We believe this resulted from keeping our doors open and remaining supportive, for all our borrowers and investors alike. We helped other business stay afloat, and made a profit ourselves by doing so. We take a very human approach and I think that shone through particularly brightly last year and stood us in very good stead.”

“We’re excited by the buzz and momentum we’re feeling within our business. Our consistent performance enables us to stand tall, and our strong cashflow position enables us to invest in our own future growth.”

FOLK2FOLK injected around £60M into SMEs during 2020, enabling hundreds of small businesses across a variety of sectors to grow, diversify or adapt to the new Covid-19 environment. The company delivered around £12M in gross interest payments to its investors, who typically earn a 6.5% p.a. interest rate. The audit of the accounts is expected to be complete at the end of April, with full audited accounts available via Companies House.


Meine Investments (aktualisiert 03/22):
Laufend: Bondora*, Investly*, Estateguru*, Ablrate*, Moneything* (Rest), Crowdestate* (Rest), Fellow Finance* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance*, Lenndy* (Rest), Assetz*, Plenti, Neofinance* (Rest), Lendermarket*,
Beendet: Smava*, Auxmoney*, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend*, Lendico*, Omarahee, Lendy*, Bondmason, Finbee*, Bulkestate*, Zlty, Mintos*, Iuvo*, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor*
Crowdinvesting: Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest), Reinvest24*, Landex*
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Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 17693

BeitragVerfasst am: 09.06.2021, 15:29    Titel: Re: Folk2Folk (UK) Antworten mit Zitat

OLK2FOLK Q1 profit announcement provides early indication of another record year.

09 June 2021: FOLK2FOLK, the national Marketplace lender for SMEs in regional Britain, has announced a pre-tax profit of £534k for the company’s first financial quarter of the year (unaudited accounts for Feb-Apr 2021).

Earlier this year, FOLK2FOLK announced a 2020 profit of £1.1M which saw the company surpass its pre-pandemic profit target for the year and was a significant increase from its 2019 profit of £198k.

Today’s quarterly profit announcement reveals a 125% increase on the same quarter in 2020 and provides almost half of last year’s impressive profits in only three months.

The quarter’s biggest month was March which saw FOLK2FOLK support several multi-million-pound loans across regional Britain and totalled £15.7M.

Roy Warren, FOLK2FOLK Managing Director, said: “We were resolute in our determination to remain a stable support for our borrowers and investors last year and so were very proud of our performance in 2020, against all odds. So, to have achieved around half of last year’s profit already this year, in just the first quarter, is quite astounding and spurs us on with even greater enthusiasm.

“Our folks are motivated to help as many small businesses as we can across regional Britain. We are a rural born and bred business and we want to help those businesses outside of city centres get the finance they need to start, grow and ‘level up’. We understand them and the challenges they face, and that is why we take an holistic approach to lending and are often able to help when other funders cannot. We’ve made it our mission to help the under-served regional businesses and have the backing and support of our loyal investor-base.”

FOLK2FOLK and its investors have injected more than £436M into SMEs across regional Britain, enabling hundreds of small and rural businesses across a variety of sectors to grow, diversify or adapt to the post-Brexit and Covid environment.


Meine Investments (aktualisiert 03/22):
Laufend: Bondora*, Investly*, Estateguru*, Ablrate*, Moneything* (Rest), Crowdestate* (Rest), Fellow Finance* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance*, Lenndy* (Rest), Assetz*, Plenti, Neofinance* (Rest), Lendermarket*,
Beendet: Smava*, Auxmoney*, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend*, Lendico*, Omarahee, Lendy*, Bondmason, Finbee*, Bulkestate*, Zlty, Mintos*, Iuvo*, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor*
Crowdinvesting: Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest), Reinvest24*, Landex*
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Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 17693

BeitragVerfasst am: 07.02.2023, 12:50    Titel: Re: Folk2Folk (UK) Antworten mit Zitat


FOLK2FOLK Increases Rates and Doubles Down on Commitment to Retail Investors

7 February 2023 - FOLK2FOLK, the national peer to peer lending platform for regional businesses, has doubled down on its commitment to retail investors in the wake of Assetz* Capital’s departure from the retail market.

Funded by both retail and Institutional investors, FOLK2FOLK has facilitated the investment of £589.5m into rural and regional businesses. Headquartered in Cornwall, the company is the largest peer to peer lending platform in the UK, serving borrowers and investors across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

In an online invitation issued to retail investors by managing director, Roy Warren, via the company blog, FOLK2FOLK reaffirms its promise to provide retail investors with a home. This commitment is supported by new appointments into the investor relationship team and a recruitment drive into its loan origination team to feed investor appetite.

In addition, FOLK2FOLK has increased its long held fixed rate of 6.5% p.a. to a range spanning from 7.5% p.a. up to around 9.5% p.a. to ensure its offering remains attractively priced for investors. All FOLK2FOLK loans are secured against land or property at a maximum LTV of 60% and it currently retains its track record of zero capital losses for investors.

To further enhance their investor offering, FOLK2FOLK have also invested in a new Investor Portal as part of the company’s new loan management system. The new Portal will enable investors to manage all aspects of their investing themselves online. Currently undergoing customer testing, the Portal is anticipated to be launched this quarter.

Roy Warren, managing director of FOLK2FOLK said: “I’m proud to say we’re still open for business to retail investors. With property-backed deals offering fixed returns of up to around 9.5% p.a. I believe we have a great offering, particularly with our IFISA, and we can fulfil a unique role within a wider investment portfolio.

“I openly invite investors who are looking for a new investment home, and who have £20,000 or more to invest, to contact me or our investor team to find out more about what we can offer – we’d be very happy to have you.”


Meine Investments (aktualisiert 03/22):
Laufend: Bondora*, Investly*, Estateguru*, Ablrate*, Moneything* (Rest), Crowdestate* (Rest), Fellow Finance* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance*, Lenndy* (Rest), Assetz*, Plenti, Neofinance* (Rest), Lendermarket*,
Beendet: Smava*, Auxmoney*, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend*, Lendico*, Omarahee, Lendy*, Bondmason, Finbee*, Bulkestate*, Zlty, Mintos*, Iuvo*, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor*
Crowdinvesting: Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest), Reinvest24*, Landex*
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Claus Lehmann
Site Admin

Anmeldedatum: 31.08.2007
Beiträge: 17693

BeitragVerfasst am: 06.06.2023, 11:18    Titel: Re: Folk2Folk (UK) Antworten mit Zitat




FOLK2FOLK celebrates four consecutive years of profit and second year of paying dividend.

06 June 2023: FOLK2FOLK, the UK’s leading property-backed peer to peer lending platform, has announced a pre-tax profit of £1.373M for its 2022 financial year, marking four consecutive years of consistent profitability. In addition, the company has chosen to make dividend payments to shareholders for a second consecutive year, proving platform stability and confidence.

These significant milestones reinforce FOLK2FOLK’s position as a financially sustainable business within the peer-to-peer lending sector; highlighting the platform’s ability to maintain financial stability, adapt to market conditions and deliver attractive returns to its retail investors, even during periods of political and economic instability.

The consistent nature of these achievements could also be seen as evidence of a maturing of the peer to peer lending sector.

“I am delighted to announce another year of profit, which demonstrates the trust and confidence that businesses and investors have placed in FOLK2FOLK," said Roy Warren, Managing Director of FOLK2FOLK.

"Our strong performance reflects the strength of our business model, the dedication of our team and our unwavering commitment to regional small businesses and retail investors.

“Platform profitability is undeniably an increasingly important factor retail investors consider when choosing where to place their funds, and I strongly feel that maintaining a profitable platform is the responsible thing to do for all our stakeholders and the wider P2P sector.”

Meine Investments (aktualisiert 03/22):
Laufend: Bondora*, Investly*, Estateguru*, Ablrate*, Moneything* (Rest), Crowdestate* (Rest), Fellow Finance* (Rest), October* (Rest), Linked Finance*, Lenndy* (Rest), Assetz*, Plenti, Neofinance* (Rest), Lendermarket*,
Beendet: Smava*, Auxmoney*, MyC4, Zidisha, Crosslend*, Lendico*, Omarahee, Lendy*, Bondmason, Finbee*, Bulkestate*, Zlty, Mintos*, Iuvo*, Robocash*, Viainvest*, Viventor*
Crowdinvesting: Seedrs*, Crowdcube, Housers* (Rest), Reinvest24*, Landex*
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